Fáilte go dtí Scoil Náisiúnta Ioma PH:057 8646868

Dear Parents,

There are some important notices which I would like to bring to your attention.

Féilire na Scoile: School Calendar

School will close on Wednesday 27th June for the school holidays @12.30p.m. The usual arrangements will apply.Junior and senior infants will leave with their brothers and sisters at 12 o’clock with the remaining children leaving at 12.30p.m.

Rang a Sé ag Fágáil: 6th Class Leaving

Last Friday saw the departure of our current 6th class. I would like to compliment them on their achievements during the course of this year and others, in many different spheres of school life.The staff and I would like to wish them the best of luck on their onward journey. With sixth class departing we also lost some parents to the school . A special thank you to them for their support and involvement in school life over the duration of their child’s education here in Emo.

Focal Buíochas: A word of thanks

We are very grateful for the help and support of so many parents in our school. This has long been a hallmark of Emo National School.I would also like to extend a míle buíochas to our teachers and ancillary staff in the school for all their dedication, help and support over the year. In particular,  I would like to sincerely thank Ms.  Allen and Ms. Ryan for their contributions to the school this year and wish them the very best in their future careers.

Parents Association

The sponsored walk and BBQ recently raised €1525. Well done to all concerned. A  special word of thanks to the Parents’ Association committee who do tremendous work in the background and in particular their officers : Gordon Reid , Miriam O’Shea and Catherine Moore .

Finally, on behalf of everybody in Emo NS , may I take this opportunity to say well done to all our pupils and to wish you all a safe and happy summer.

Signed ,

Cyril Duggan
