Fáilte go dtí Scoil Náisiúnta Ioma PH:057 8646868

Communication and the School

The school secretary, Mrs. Fitzpatrick attends the school between 9a.m. and 1p.m. We would appreciate it if necessary phone calls to the school were made during this time only( 9am-1pm )

Notes to School

  • If you wish to send a note (e.g. pupil being late or absent) to the teacher, please send a handwritten note in an envelope as these notes have to be kept for our records.


Parent-Teacher Communication

  • Formal Parent Teacher meetings are held in November. Parents are very welcome in our school and teachers will always make themselves available to meet you. However, we do ask you to make an appointment through Bernadette, our school secretary, when you wish to see any member of staff. An appointment procedure ensures we will be able to give you our full attention.



  • If there is any issue of concern, parents are requested to contact the school secretary to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher.


School Newsletter

  • A school newsletter is issued on a monthly basis and will be published on our website www.emons.ie . Please make sure that you get to see the newsletter as it contains important information on the school calendar and it details all activities taking place in the school. We will issue the newsletter in the last week of each month approx  .The newsletter is the main source of information for parents. If you have no internet access please let Bernadette know and she will issue your child with a hard copy of the newsletter .


School Web Site

  • The school web site www.emons.ie  is another important source of information for parents. The web site also features the school calendar, the up to date school newsletter and other items of pertinent information. The website is updated on a regular basis and is a source of school news and information for parents and children alike.


The Return of Money

  • When returning money for any school activity, parents are requested to send in the money in an envelope with your child’s name, teacher’s name and the activity for which payment is being made clearly stated on it.

Contact Numbers

  • Please notify Bernadette, our school secretary of any changes in contact numbers, addresses etc. so that our database can be kept up to date.


Homework Journal

  • The Homework Journal is used to record homework and to act as a means of communication between home and school. Teachers will communicate messages through the journal as the occasion demands. Parents should check the journal each day. Infants do not have a journal so in the event of absences etc please forward a handwritten note.



  • It is school policy that invitations to birthday parties, Christmas cards etc are not distributed in the school premises out of consideration for non-receivers.