For the last few weeks we have been using a new app with notifications to 4th , 5th and 6th class parents . It is our intention to continue with same for the whole school . You will receive notifications from the school through this app rather than by text . Please follow the instructions below for downloading the app . If you have any difficulties please e-mail :
The Komeer Quick Start Guide
The Next Generation in School Communications
- Search for the “Komeer” App on the App or Play Store and install onto your phone .
- Open the App and make sure to accept “Allow Notifications”in order to receive push notifications to your device
- Tap the Sign Up button to create your new account with Komeer
- Next navigate to the Groups screen by clicking the Cog Icon,
- Select Groups from the menu that appears
- Search for “Emo National School Co Laois”and select the group and tap the Subscribe button
- Your request to join the group will then be awaiting the approval of your school. Once approved you are ready to start receiving messages and alerts from Emo National School.
For Help and Support, tap on “Help” on the Komeer App.
Cyril Duggan