Dear Parents,
I hope you and your family are well and that you enjoyed the holidays. We are looking forward to welcoming children back to school on Thursday 31st August.
The Board of Management requests that parents /guardians drop off and pick up children from the designated school car park at the community centre. The Parents Association will operate a STOP AND DROP system as in previous years and we request that car users respect same. Only staff cars are permitted inside the school gates. Please inform child minders, grandparents or any person who is a car user and may have to pick up your child.
Assembly on Thursday
New Junior Infants may assemble in the front yard on Thursday morning and all other children in the backyard.
Books and copies
As explained in June, the Dept. of Education and skills are covering the cost of all books and copies including workbooks. These will be provided to children as needed from Thursday onwards. This year we also purchased requisites like folders, crayons, twistables, pencils pens and various other stationary items that the children need.
What does my child bring to school on Thursday?
The children just need to bring a school bag (no wheelie bags please for health and safety reasons) lunch bag/box, drinks bottle and an empty pencil case.
The Return of Money:
We request that parents use epayments for all payments to the school. Details will issue through Aladdin. We request that parents do not send any cash or cheques in to the school.
Art and Craft/Photocopying and Pupil Insurance;
There will be a €30 per child contribution towards art and craft materials and photocopying. If you have three children or more you only pay for two. This fee will be payable through Aladdin over the coming weeks.
Pupil Insurance
We strongly recommend that parents avail of this cover. The 24-hour pupil insurance covers school activities and also applies to social, domestic and leisure ,24/7,365 days per year.
School Uniform/P.E. Gear
We would appeal to parents to mark your child’s name clearly on all parts of their school tracksuit and coats if you haven’t done so already. Tracksuit tops and coats are the top priority as they go missing most often. Please ensure that they have a permanent name tag on them from the start of the year.
School Calendar 2022/2023
The calendar for the upcoming school year is published on the home page of the school website.
School Lunches /Healthy Eating
We have a healthy eating policy in our school. We recommend sandwiches, fruit and healthy snacks. You can view the policy in full on must make sure that children bring their lunches to school to avoid adults having to come to the school during the day. Please remind your children not to share their food or drinks with other children. Please make sure your child is self-sufficient and independent where their lunchbox and contents are concerned. ie. Please ensure they can open/peel any lunch/drink you pack for them. Children will eat their lunches at their desks. No food will be allowed onto the yard. In keeping with our Green school policy all children need a lunch box/bag and a re-usable drinks bottle ie no drink cartons. Tinfoil and cling film are not permitted in lunch boxes. Paper /paper towels, re-usable lunch bags or a small container are suitable alternatives.
Parent-Teacher Communication:
All school communications will be through Aladdin.
In order to keep class disruptions to a minimum we request that children leave or return to school for appointments at the following times:
We thank you in advance for your cooperation with this request.
Contact Numbers:
Please notify your child’s teacher/school secretary of any changes in contact numbers, addresses etc. so that our database can be kept up to date.
Looking forward to an enjoyable year for all.
Cyril Duggan