Dear parents,
Congrats to all our pupils that participated in Cumann na mbunscol football competitions this term. We are delighted that 3 of the 4 teams have reached finals which will be played in O’Moore Park after the mid-term break. Our thanks to Ms. Casey , Ms. Boyle ,Mr. McEvoy and Mr. Costelloe for coaching the children Mr. Cushen and Mr. Slevin for their help too. . Our fourth class boys and girls took a trip to Rath N.S. to play some games recently . Our thanks to Rath N.S. for facilitating same. See photos below of all our teams .

Picture: Alf Harvey.
Emo who played Clonaghadoo in the Cumann na mBunscol finals at O’Moore Park.
Picture: Alf Harvey.

Picture: Alf Harvey.