Fáilte go dtí Scoil Náisiúnta Ioma PH:057 8646868

Fáilte ar Ais; Welcome back , Thursday 29th August.

Dear Parents, I hope you and your family are well and that you enjoyed the holidays. We are looking forward to welcoming children back to school on Thursday 29st August @ 8.50a.m.We are particularly looking forward to welcoming 26 new junior infants on Thursday. They will finish school at 12p.m. each day up to and […]

Nuachtlitir 26ú Meitheamh ; Newsletter 26th June

Dear Parents, There are some important notices which I would like to bring to your attention. Sixth Class Graduation We had graduation on Wednesday 26th June where we celebrated the end of the year for our 6th class. I would like to compliment them on their achievements during the course of this year and others, […]

Grandparents Day 2024

Grandparents Day  We welcomed grandparents to the school on Wednesday 1st May . There was a huge turnout and many thanks to those who travelled a distance. We had Grandparents here from near and far with 14 counties represented. Well done to all the boys and girls who performed in the hall for their grandparents. […]

Nuachtlitir 29ú Aibreán; Newsletter 29th April

Dear Parents , Please see the following notices for your attention: Lá na Seantuismitheoirí ; Grandparents Day The children are very much looking forward to their Grandparents visiting them in school on this Wednesday, May 1st@11a.m.. Grandparents should come to the school hall when they arrive. Each class will do a little presentation for them. […]

Recommendation for inclusion of a wide- brimmed hat in primary school uniform

Dear Parents , Please see information notice at the following link regarding the inclusion of wide-brimmed hats in school uniform guidance. We are liaising with our school uniform supplier at the moment to provide an option for parents to purchase a standard suitable hat. Recommendation for inclusion of a wide-brimmed hat in primary school uniform […]

Nuachtlitir 4ú Márta ;Latest news 4th March

Dear Parents, There are many important events and activities taking place in our school at the moment. We’ve been continuing with our assemblies and visits to classes and there is a lovely balance of work and play ongoing in our classes. Féilire na Scoile chuig on Cháisc  Wednesday 6th March ; Vex Robotics event taking […]

Nuachtlitir 20ú Nollag 2023;Latest News ,20th December 2023

Dear Parents, Féilire na Scoile: Carol Service: Friday 22nd December in St. Paul’s church at 11a.m. Parents are very welcome to attend. The children will return to the school after the carol service. The school closes on Friday 22nd December for the Christmas holidays @ 12.30p.m. The usual arrangements will apply. Junior and senior infants […]

Nuachtlitir 7ú Nollag; Latest News 7th December

Dear Parents, Please see the following notices for your attention; Rollaithe 2024/2025; Enrolment 2024/2025 Application forms available on our website at the following link: Enrolment to Emo N.S. 2024/2025 Applications will be accepted during the month of January up to and including the last working Friday in January which in 2024 is Friday, 26th January. […]

Nuachtlitir 9ú Samhain; Latest news 9th November

Dear Parents , Please see the following notices for your attention: 1.At our recent Board of management meeting we conducted the annual review of the child safeguarding statement. Please see letter confirming the review and also see the Child Safeguarding  Statement at the following link: https://www.emons.ie/child-protection-review/ 2. Parent Teacher Meetings  We regard parent/teacher meetings as […]

10ú Deireadh Fomhair ; Latest News 10th October

Dear Parents , Please see the following notices for your attention. Important Dates for your Diary The Parents Association are organising their AGM on this Thursday night , 12th October in the school hall at 8p.m. As you are aware the work of our Parents Association in supporting the pupils and staff of the school […]